QtGuid4.lib(QtGuid4.dll) LNK1112: module machine type ‘X86’ conflicts with target machine type ‘x64’

cmakeqtvisual studio 2010

I make my Qt project with Cmake and compile it in QtCreater with Visual Stuio 2010 compiler. On the old computer i had Windows 7 32 bit and it runs okay, but on the new computer i have Windows 7 64 bit and get following error message: QtGuid4.lib(QtGuid4.dll):-1: Fehler:LNK1112: module machine type 'X86' conflicts with target machine type 'x64' if I use Visual C++ Compiler 10.0(x64).
And if I use Visual C++ Compiler 10.0(x86), then I get following message:

Der zum Debuggen von ausführbaren Dateien des Typs
'x86-windows-msvc2010-pe- 32bit' am besten geeignete Debugger-Engine
ist nicht verfügbar. Es wird stattdessen der Debugger-Engine 'Gdb
engine' benutzt. Details: Für ausführbare Dateien im Format
'x86-windows-msvc2010-pe-32bit' ist keine ausführbare CDB Datei

How could I make/compile with x64-compiler?
Best regards. Viktor.

Best Answer

Copied from the comments so we can mark this one answered.

You have your settings to build a 64 bit application but the Qt you are using is 32 bits. Since you can not use 32 bit Qt with a 64 bit application you have to either build your application for 32 bits or recompile Qt so that you have a 64 bit Qt. The official downloads for Qt do not provide 64 bit Qt you need to build that yourself.