R – “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value..” error when ModelState.IsValid is false


In one of our ASP.NET MVC application we are using FCKEditor to allow users to enter rich text. In order to turn off the validation in the controller actions we set the attribute


Users are able to save and modify the rich text as long as there are no business validation errors in the page.

If any of the business validations fail and the ModelState.IsValid is set to false, on rendering the page the following exception is raised. Can someone let me know how to solve this issue?

A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (Programme_Overview="

Here is the code

    public ActionResult Schedule(FormCollection formValues)
      // some code
      if (ModelState.IsValid)
            //do something here...
            return View(programDetails);


    //// View code that render the fckeditor text area
    <%= Html.TextArea("Programme_Overview", Model.Programme.Overview, new { row = 7 })%>

Best Answer

just had this crop up, fix was to update the fck config file fckconfig.js

FCKConfig.HtmlEncodeOutput = false;

should be

FCKConfig.HtmlEncodeOutput = true ;
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