R – Accessing SharePoint Web Services over Silverlight

sharepointsilverlightweb services

I have a problem to access SharePoint Webservice over Silverlight.

An error occurred while trying to make a request to URI
This could be due to attempting to
access a service in a cross-domain way
without a proper cross-domain policy
in place, or a policy that is
unsuitable for SOAP services. You may
need to contact the owner of the
service to publish a cross-domain
policy file and to ensure it allows
SOAP-related HTTP headers to be sent.
Please see the inner exception for
more details.

Some questions:

  1. How do I correctly deploy clientaccesspolicy.xml over Sharepoint Designer? Simply open site in designer, add file and then publish?
  2. The site where clientaccesspolicy.xml should be deployed use forms authentication. I wasn't able to use Sharepoint Designer to publish there. Because of that, I created new zone for this site, which use Windows Authentication and published clientaccesspolicy.xml there. Both use same content database, didn't ?
  3. If clientaccesspolicy.xml will be published, how can I allow this file be accessed anonymously?

Anton Kalcik

Best Answer

Here answers to my question 1. and 2.:

  1. In Sharepoint Designer you open the site over: File -> Open Site -> In text field "Site name:" type URL of your site. Than drag & drop clientaccesspolicy.xml in root of your site.
  2. If you have Form Authentication, you don't need for this step create new zone (but for some reasons it can be useful). You simply open web browser and type URL of your site. Then fill up text fields (always with user that have administrator privileges) and check "Sign me in automatically". After that will Sharepoint designer use this credentials for specified URL.

If you can help me with question Nr. 3, or you have some other solution, how can I access clientaccesspolicy.xml from Silverlight, post it!

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