R – Adding an assembly reference to a script task in NAnt


I'm struggling to get NAnt's script task to pick up a reference to a DLL outside the working folder.

<target name="UpdateDBs">
  <script language="c#">
    <references failonempty="true">
        <include name="\\srv-dev\sharedassemblies\OurCompany\DataTransfer\OurCompany.DataTransfer.dll" />
        <import namespace="OurCompany.DataTransfer.WebDocs" />
            public static void ScriptMain(Project project)
                WebDocDbPostbuildUpdater.UpdateSqlScripts(@"\\srv-dev\integration\OurProductSetup6.4\workingdirectory", new System.Version(6, 4));

I get a build error:

The fileset specified is empty after scanning '\srv-dev\integration\OurProductSetup6.4' for: NAnt.Core.StringCollectionWithGoodToString:

I've tried a few different variations on this but got nowhere. Also the documentation doesn't seem to make this particularly obvious.

Any help appreciated.

Best Answer

Sod's law. I just got the path wrong.

<references failonempty="true">
  <include name="\\srv-dev\sharedassemblies\OurCompany\DataTransfer\OurCompany.DataTransfer.dll" />
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