R – all product identifiers are invalid in the ‘ in app purchase’ application


app id: com.riseuplabs.newapn

product id: com.riseuplabs.newapn.01 and com.riseuplabs.newapn.02

The bundle Id is correct, provisioning profile is correct, product Ids (com.vendor.appname.itemname) are relative to the bundle Id (com.vendor.appname).
In creating the purchase items with unchecked "cleared for sale".

I have request the product by following code:

SKProductsRequest *request= [[SKProductsRequest alloc] initWithProductIdentifiers: 
                             [NSSet setWithObjects: @"com.riseuplabs.newapn.01",         
                                                @"01", @"02", nil]];
request.delegate = self;
[request start];

- (void)productsRequest:(SKProductsRequest *)request didReceiveResponse:(SKProductsResponse *)response


but in response: I got all my product id are in invalidProductIdentifiers array.

Best Answer

This confused me for a while too.

You need to enable the "Cleared for Sale" setting. When you've done this it will be available from the sandbox store -- you created an "In App Purchase Test User" in iTunes Connect, right?

The other confusing bit is that you have to log out of iTunes on your handset before starting your application. You do this by going into the App Store program, clicking your account (the bottom button on the Featured tab), and then pressing the Sign Out button.

Note that this only works on the handset and not in the iPhone simulator.

After you do this you will still need approve it before it goes live on the store for real.

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