R – Allocation of instance variables

memoryobjective c

Can anyone tell me if the NSString instance variable "planetName" needs to be allocated / released by me (as in the example below) or is that done when the class instance is created / allocated?

My understanding is that int and float don't need to be, but not sure about NSString & NSArray …

@interface PlanetClass : NSObject {
        NSString *planetName;
- (NSString *)planetName;
- (void)setPlanetName:(NSString *)value;

Like this …

- (id) init {
        [super init];
        planetName = [[NSString alloc] init];
return self;

- (void) dealloc {
        [planetName release];
        [super dealloc];

** ———————————- **
EDIT: EDIT: Here is another version
** ———————————- **

int main(int argc, const char *argv[]) {

        // ** Allocated here
        PlanetClass *newPlanet_01 = [[PlanetClass alloc] init];
        NSString *newPlanetName = [NSString alloc] init];

        // ** Set the instance variable pointer here
        newPlanetName = @"Jupiter";
        [newPlanet_01 setPlanetName:newPlanetName];

        // ** Released here
        [newPlanet_01 release];
        return 0;

the init & dealloc methods would then be like this …

- (id) init {
        [super init];
        return self;

- (void) dealloc {
        // Always release the current copy of planetName 
        // pointed to by the class instance.
        [planetName release]
        [super dealloc];

The setPlanetName method would look like this …

- (void)setPlanetName:(NSString *)newPlanetName {
        if (planetName != newPlanetName) {
               [planetName release];
               planetName = [newPlanetName copy];

PS: I am not using properties or synthesize, I have not gotten that far yet.

cheers -gary-

Best Answer

You still have an issue with your new code.

In your main function, you release newPlanetName but this is a little wrong. Your PlanetClass retained it with its setPlanetName: method, but your PlanetClass never releases it again unless the name of the planet changes. It should not be up to the caller of setPlanetName: to keep hold of the string, it is your classes responsibility to deal with it appropriately.

Your old dealloc method is correct. It should release the planet's name because your PlanetClass no longer needs it. Your main method should not release the planet's name because the string returned by stringWithString: does not belong to you, and you give it to PlanetClass to take care of.

So, keep your old dealloc method, and remove the [newPlanetName release] from the main function and you should be alright from there.

As a shortcut, you can even call [newPlanet_01 setPlanetName:@"Jupiter"] and do away with the newPlanetName variable altogether in your main function.

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