R – Alternatives for NHibernate mappings


Are there any good alternative to NHibernate's xml mappings?

I have seen Fluent. All I look for is high maintainability.

UPDATE : I would like to know the performance issues related with using fluent because I guess it is going to create xml mappings from the class (which can be time consuming – my guess)


Best Answer

Fluent, but then again I would say that.

There's a minor performance impact by using it, but it's got nothing to do with XML generation*. NHibernate has a start-up time of it's own, and fluent only adds a fraction onto that; it's not even worth thinking about unless you're throwing around thousands of mappings (and more specifically, assemblies).

* Fluent's performance impact is actually from calling Assembly.GetTypes() to find any mappings in your assemblies.

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