Eclipse – an easy Mylyn task repository to use for a small (~40 devs) project


I'm currently the only developer using Eclipse Mylyn integration (I'm the experimental one). I have two repositories configured – Bugzilla, which the project uses for internal bug tracking and a Local repository. I use the Local repo for organizing the stories I am working on for the iteration.

What I'd like to do is make that Local repo shareable so that other developers could perhaps use it. If developers like it, we could adopt Mylyn as a project standard. Which kind of repository would you devs recommend? The requirements are "free" (as in "speech" and "beer") and "awesome" (as in "The Rapture"). It would need to be deployed on a Windows server and share resources with other services (so not too resource intensive). Simple to configure would be nice as well, since I'm just exploring this on my own time. Perhaps a separate Bugzilla instance?


Best Answer

Why don't you simply use your original Bugzilla instance?

Personally, I'd consider it tedious and useless to separate tasks and bugs.

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