An unexpected error has occurred


I have created an web application on my local machine and I am deploying it to sharepoint. For that I am refereing the following

Deploying ASP.NET Web Applications in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts Folder

Its works perfect on my local machine but when I was trying to deploy the same on clients machine it was giving me the "An unexpected error has occurred." Error.

The scenario is, There is not visual studio install on my clients machine so what I was doing is I simply copying my solution folder in 12'hives LAYOUT folder along with the bin folder. Then when I was try to access it by hitting the URL

http://[machineName]/_layouts/[MyCustomFolder]/default.aspx it was giving me the error mention above.

Can anyone help me to solve this issue..?
Thanks in advance..


Best Answer

Unexpected error might be anything, You need to see what is the root cause of the Error,

  1. Open the Web.Config file of the IIS SharePoint WebSite
  2. Search for the CallStack and change it to CallStack="true"
  3. Search for the CustomError and change it to CustomError="Off"
  4. Browse the page you will get to know the actual issue that causes the error
  5. You yourself can rectify it , it might be as simple as missing dll