Angular/CLI — auto reload doesn’t happen


I recently started working with Angular/CLI tool, I'm facing a problem while executing the file, that is when I run

ng serve 

then this command helps us in auto reloading the site when any changes are made in the source file but in my system it is not happening (i.e. site is not auto reloading and when I forcely reload the site then also it is not getting updated as per changes made in the source file).

The site is getting updated only when I terminate the "ng serve" command and again run the same command("ng serve") then only my site is getting updated.

So it becomes hard for me to terminate the server and connect the server, when ever the changes are made, so I request you people if any one know solution of this problem please help me out.

Best Answer

I also encountered the same problem a few days back in my linuxOS, and when I read about it, I found that this problem is heavily dependent on the system you use and the way you did your setup for angular-cli, both globally and locally. So, after reading created by angular-cli for each project, I tried using ng-build --watch but the problem still couldn't be solved because by running this command it should work like ng-serve but it only build the app and doesn't even served it on localhost:4200. then, after digging into the problem more deeper I found the problem, it was with my OS, I am using ubuntu, the inotify/max_user_watches value 8192, which I crossed, due to which it wasn't showing any changes made further. So i used these- echo "fs.inotify.max_user_watches=524288" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p and it worked fine.

p.s. in the process i also tumbled upon a solution with these commands - rm -rf nodes_modules/ -> npm update -> npm install. try this before doing above stated canges, if this works for you then you are well and good to go.