Angular Material – Prevent mat-stepper from navigating between steps


I have a mat-horizontal-stepper where I set linear property as true. When all the steps are valid as of now I can navigate to previous steps by clicking the header or label. I don't want that property.

I need to navigate only through buttons.

I tried disabling pointer function with:

       pointer-events: none;

but it didn't worked.

I need either to stop navigating by clicking header or fire a function on clicking the stepper header.

Best Answer

What you originally posted:

    pointer-events: none;

does work, as long as you add ::ng-deep to the CSS class. Like this:

::ng-deep .mat-horizontal-stepper-header {
    pointer-events: none !important;

Also make sure you are using the horizontal stepper instead of the vertical one. This obviously matters when calling the appropriate CSS class.