AngularJS. Convert tag value (Unix time to human-readable time)


I am getting data from a database and displaying it:

       <li ng-repeat="item in items>

Where {{}} is a Unix date such as 1374843600. How can I set the date format using AngularJS directives? Is it possible?

When I tried to do it, I was getting a value of tag mydate –{{}}

Best Answer

I have faced the issue with unix time formatted as a number of seconds from the epoch start or as a number of milliseconds that is used in JavaScript. So strictly speaking, AngularJS doesn't convert Unix timestamp to Date, but a number with milliseconds, which is 1000 times larger, so first you will have to multiply your input number by 1000, like this:

<mydate>{{ * 1000 | date:'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z'}}</mydate>

Otherwise your date will be wrong.

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