Angularjs passing object to directive


Angular newbie here. I am trying to figure out what's going wrong while passing objects to directives.

here's my directive:

app.directive('walkmap', function() { 
  return {
    restrict: 'A',
    transclude: true,
    scope: { walks: '=walkmap' },
    template: '<div id="map_canvas"></div>',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs)

and this is the template where I call the directive:

<div walkmap="store.walks"></div>

store.walks is an array of objects.

When I run this, scope.walks logs as undefined while scope logs fine as an Scope and even has a walks child with all the data that I am looking for.

I am not sure what I am doing wrong here because this exact method has worked previously for me.


I've created a plunker with all the required code:

As you can see the {{walks}} is available in the scope but I need to access it in the link function where it is still logging as undefined.

Best Answer

Since you are using $resource to obtain your data, the directive's link function is running before the data is available (because the results from $resource are asynchronous), so the first time in the link function scope.walks will be empty/undefined. Since your directive template contains {{}}s, Angular sets up a $watch on walks, so when the $resource populates the data, the $watch triggers and the display updates. This also explains why you see the walks data in the console -- by the time you click the link to expand the scope, the data is populated.

To solve your issue, in your link function $watch to know when the data is available:

scope.$watch('walks', function(walks) {
   console.log(scope.walks, walks);

In your production code, just guard against it being undefined:

scope.$watch('walks', function(walks) {
  if(walks) { ... }

Update: If you are using a version of Angular where $resource supports promises, see also @sawe's answer.