R – Anyone having problems with Delphi-2010 and Norton Internet Security 2010


I just spend the good part of the afternoon trying to find out why some projects, when compiled and run from within the Delphi-2010 IDE produced a 'Security Risk – A program is behaving suspiciously on your computer' warning every time I compiled it.

In the end it turned out to be the following:
– if version information is turned on 'Include version info in your project'
– and you are including one of the Developer Express units (f.i. cxControls) than Norton Internet Security's sonor technology is flagging the program as suspicious (which, on my pc, results in a 45 seconds wait and prompt). Running the program from outside the IDE, works fine.

I will flag this to support of Developer Express too, of course, but I thought about explaining this problem on this community site also.

I would obliged if anyone, having the same configuration, could verify this to be true of course, since I have only my own pc to test this on (my laptop still runs Norton Internet Security 2009).

Delphi 7 does not have the same problem (or I would have found this out much, much sooner).

I used the following code of the main form as test:

  unit frm;


    Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
    ActnList, cxControls ;

    TForm1 = class(TForm)
      { Private declarations }
      { Public declarations }

    Form1: TForm1;


  {$R *.dfm}

As far as I know, I did not change any settings of Norton Internet Security 2010 after installation.

I installed the latest updates of Delphi-2010.

Dev.Express suite v 47 is installed.

UPDATE: The problem is not restricted to the use of the DevExpress units. I have the same problem when compiling the EC_Edit project in the Main folder of the demos of the SyntEdit component. As far as I can determine (after trying and pinpointing for 4 days!) is that it has something to do with the classes unit (or one of the units used by classes) of the Delphi 2010 version.

Best Answer

Look at the following page I found at the Norton community page:


It seems (I hope) that Norton is doing it more than once. I have found the above link where I find the following:

I don't know how long this info will remain there, but I'd thought I'd answer my own question in the mean time. I'm just hoping that Symantec can fix this, because at the moment I can't use Delhpi 2010 safely to create programs because I will never know if that executable will run safely on my users computers.

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