R – Are there any Caching Frameworks for Delphi


Question: What Caching Frameworks available for Delphi and how well developed are they? If there aren't any then is there a widely-accepted way of achieving the same objective? Applicable to Win32 targeting versions of Delphi.

Question Detail: The type of framework that I'm enquiring about exists largely in Web Development frameworks allowing the user to:

  • Check the Cache for previously stored Data/Object
  • Retrieve the Data/Object
  • Store the new Data/Object
  • Optionally tag the Data/Object and label it.
  • Expire Data/Objects based on some criteria (labels, tags, time limits etc).

I understand that a lack of reflection services for Delphi Objects without RTTI means that they probably won't exist in quite the same way but is there a similar way of achieving at least part of same end result in a more Delphi way?

Alternative Approach: As an alternative to a native Delphi library: Is there for example a good set of bindings for memcached or something similar?

Best Answer

I have used memcached on Linux (there are versions on Windows and MacOS, as well as almost any other OS), It's quite simple.

I dealt with it directly, using indy's TIDTelnet, by reading the protocol's documentation, I only used set , get, delete, and quit.

I used this kind of commands (I set and get "name", 14 is the number of bytes to be stored):

osama@osama:~$ telnet 11211
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
set name 0 0 14
Osama Alassiry
get name
VALUE name 0 14
Osama Alassiry

memcached allows you to store up to 1MB per cache key, I used composite keys like 'Person|17|name', 'Person|17|picture', 'Employee|7|Salary|Basic' (these are fictitious names unrelated to what I really did) ... I have stored some binary files in the cache as base64 which allows to use up to 768k of binary data.

memcached can also be distributed on several servers by hashing the keys, and selecting one of several servers based on they hash.

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