AS3 Rounded Text Field


Does anyone know how to create a dynamic textfield with a visible border and rounded corners in AS3?

I think I might have to create a rounded movieclip, resize and place it behind the text.

I tried this, but I don't see any changes.

var styleRound:StyleSheet = new StyleSheet();
styleRound.parseCSS("h4{cornerRadius:10;borderStyle: solid; borderThickness: 1;}");
tf.htmlText = "<h4>" + hotspotData.caption + "</h4>";
tf.styleSheet = styleRound;

Best Answer

Here is a list of the available CSS styles for TextFields in ActionScript 3. Sorry, there is no corner radius.

You can turn on a border for a textfield on the TextField objects border property. But there is not a property available to round the corner.

I suggest you create a new component and add the border yourself as a Sprite underneath the TextField. Something like:


import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;

public class TextBorder extends Sprite
    private static const CORNER_RADIUS:int = 5;
    // display objects
    private var background:Sprite;
    private var field:TextField;

    // properties
    private var _text:String;

    public function TextBorder()
        background = new Sprite;
        field = new TextField;
        field.autoSize = TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;


        // TESTING:
        text = "Hello World";

    public function set text(newText:String):void
        _text = newText;

    public function get text():String
        return _text;

    private function display():void
        field.text = _text;

        var g:Graphics =;
        g.lineStyle(0, 0x0);
        g.drawRoundRect(0, 0, field.width, field.height, CORNER_RADIUS);

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