– ASP.NET MVC doesn’t work with ViewState and Postback

Perhaps this is a naive question. In my understanding, ASP.NET MVC cannot work with ViewState and Postback which is fundamentals of ASP.NET forms. Is that correct?

If that's it, then all ASP.NET Web Controls depending on ViewState & Postback cannot be used in ASP.NET MVC, right?

Best Answer

ASP.NET's server-side controls work with WebForms, not MVC. MVC doesn't use controls in the traditional ASP.NET sense (at least yet).

The MVC model is quite different from the WebForms model; not better or worse, but very different. Using MVC puts the developer much closer to the generated HTML, lends itself more intrinsically to unit testing, and provides a strong separation of concerns between the UI and the code that populates that UI.

At first glance, especially to hardened ASP.NET veterans, MVC can seem like a huge step backwards (if you've were coding then, visions of ASP COM development might dance in your head).

But give MVC a try. It is very interesting and its model is quite compelling once you get used to it.

Read more here:

Also, check out this interesting blog engine that uses MVC:

Finally, check out Rob Conery's MVC storefront project: