R – ASP.NET vs SharePoint


For a developer who likes working in ASP.NET/Web forms, would anyone recommend going towards a SharePoint shop? Will I be able to keep up with latest in ASP.NET, or is SharePoint a different world? I really like ASP.NET, but have an opportunity with SharePoint development. Is the big change worth it on the tech/skillset end?

UPDATE: I think it's better to stick with web forms, if you have a choice. SharePoint seems to be tougher to develop[in terms of what you expect out of regular ASP.NET]/deploy/style/debug. Why should good ASP.NET devs go to SharePoint if they don't need to?

Best Answer

Your ASP.Net knowledge will help you understand some of Sharepoint, since it is based on some of the same technologies as ASP.Net.

On the negative side:

  • Sharepoint has a steep learning curve
  • Some developers hate it

On the positive side

  • For the right scenario, you can deliver business value much faster than custom development
  • Atleast in our market a Sharepoint expert will be better paid than someone who only knows ASP.net