Auto Number Column in SharePoint List with Link to Item


There was a similar question posted regarding the same topic, but I'm adding to the question and the previous discussion was resolved.

Here is the link to the original question: Auto number column in SharePoint list

I'm now trying to find out if in a Custom List in MOSS SharePoint 2007 there is a column called "ID(link to item)".
I know that when creating an Issues List in SharePoint, there exists an "Issue ID (link to item)" field that is by by default included in the view, however, I cannot find out if a similar field exists for a Custom List.

Best Answer

The answer is No... but you can create one.

Cracking open a website using SharePoint Manager (which rocks) you can see the definition of the "IssueID" column and the one that is used to display the "ID(link to item)" I include the schema xml from my site below

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Field ID="{de57307b-e69a-4cf9-b3a9-b6a728ecf773}" Sealed="TRUE" ReadOnly="TRUE" Name="IssueID" Type="Computed" DisplayName="Issue ID" SourceID="" StaticName="IssueID" FromBaseType="TRUE">
    <FieldRef Name="ID" />
    <Column Name="ID" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<Field ID="{03f89857-27c9-4b58-aaab-620647deda9b}" ReadOnly="TRUE" Type="Computed" Name="LinkIssueIDNoMenu" DisplayName="Issue ID" Dir="" DisplayNameSrcField="IssueID" AuthoringInfo="(linked to item)" SourceID="" StaticName="LinkIssueIDNoMenu">
    <FieldRef Name="ID" />
    <HTML><![CDATA[<a  href="]]></HTML>
    <URL />
    <HTML><![CDATA[" ONCLICK="GoToLink(this);return false;" target="_self">]]></HTML>
    <Column HTMLEncode="TRUE" Name="ID" />

Change the GUIDs and you can add these columns to a custom list, they will display in the manner you require. I would recommend creating a feature for the columns (maybe use STSDev) and releasing via a solution to any thing other than a dev site.

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