R – Automated Publish of Developer work using cc.net


I want to build a developer build project and then needs to publish it to the server and After a successful publish need to build my test project against that developer publish. Basic idea is to run this process whenever any developer commits something on Svn.

Currently I am using CC.net and MSBuild. Any one ahaving idea how to accomplish this work.

Step 1. Developer commit on SVN
Step 2. Detect Changes on Svn and take an update on Build server
Step 3. Build the project with recent changes
Step 4. Publish it to the server
Step 5. then run tests against the recent publish (I am successfully doing this process by using cc.net, msbuild and nunit)

Best Answer

if you're using the Project tag, you can also include "in it" the publisher for it. For example:

<project >  
 <tasks>  ... 
   <sourceDir>path with built binaries</sourceDir>
   <publishDir>path that will be shared</publishDir>
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