R – Automatic .aspx publishing in SharePoint


I am currently publishing code behind .aspx in SharePoint. I can automatically publish the .dll to the bin folder of the virtual directory, but I cannot figure out how to push the .aspx pages and images to the server without manually using SharePoint Designer.

Where does the folder exist?

Or do I need to create a SharePoint feature for this?

Best Answer

The .aspx files are under C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\templates\layouts

A quick and very dirty way to deploy new functionality (which is accessible to everything on the server) is to drop aspx's into this folder. This is not safe, but gives you a way to test things before investing the time to do a full blown solution/feature deployment.

I suggest reading up on Andrew Connell's development methods, I think he has a book for doing sharepoint development out too. His 'developing sharepoint features' talk is the best jumpstart into doing sharepoint development I've heard. http://www.andrewconnell.com/blog/

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