R – Automatically strong naming COM Interop wrappers

com-interopstrongnamevisual studio

I have a C# project in Visual Studio 2005 that is referencing a few COM libraries. When I build it errors like this are thrown:

Referenced assembly 'assemblyName' does not have a strong name.

Now, I used to reference COM assemblies in Visual Studio 2003, and it would automatically sign the Interop wrappers. All I had to do was set the setting 'Wrapper Assembly Key File'.

I tried finding a similar setting in Visual Studio 2005, but I couldn't find any. So I was wondering if there's any equivalent way of strong naming COM Interops in Visual Studio 2005 and getting rid of the above error.

Best Answer

It looks like it was already answered in "Where is the Wrapper Assembly Key File setting in VS 2008?" question.