Backup/Restore Shared Services Provider on SharePoint MOSS


I'm having serious issues with backing up and restoring a shared services provider.

Using the Central Administration backup I run the backup to s:\

This completes fine.

I then from another SharePoint Server choose to restore a backup and point it to the UNC path \machineipaddress\s$\spbr00DF

I have given everyone full access to s:\ on the source server.

All I get back from SharePoint is this:

Directory \machineipaddress\s$\spbr00DF does not exist or the SQL Server service account and the BI_WEB\Administrator service account do not have permission to read or write to the backup folder. Specify a different directory.

Would appreciate anyones thoughts on this.


All the best

Best Answer

Hey I'm new here but just wanted to add my two cents.

I was having the same issue and found one of the above users was correct, the error was generated because a system account did not have access to the share.

On our server we got the same error. When we created our Sharepoint sites we selected the Network Service account to run the site. I went to the share and added the Network Service account with Full Control and now the restore works.

Hope this helps someone.

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