Batch Update in NHibernate


Does batch update command exist in NHibernate? As far as I am aware it doesn't. So what's the best way to handle this situation? I would like to do the following:

  1. Fetch a list of objects ( let's call them a list of users, List<User> ) from the database
  2. Change the properties of those objects, ( Users.Foreach(User=>User.Country="Antartica")
  3. Update each item back individually ( Users.Foreach(User=>NHibernate.Session.Update(User)).
  4. Call Session.Flush to update the database.

Is this a good approach? Will this resulted in a lot of round trip between my code and the database?

What do you think? Or is there a more elegant solution?

Best Answer

I know I'm late to the party on this, but thought you may like to know this is now possible using HQL in NHibernate 2.1+

session.CreateQuery(@"update Users set Country = 'Antarctica'")