Visual-studio – Best practice for creating subversion repositories

svntortoisesvnvisual studiovisualsvnvisualsvn-server

Our team (5-10 developers) plans to adopt Subversion for our .NET (Visual Studio) projects/solutions (VisualSVN Server, TortoiseSVN / VisualSVN).

What is the best way to organize a new repository tree? Is it okay to use one big repository or is it better to create different repositories for every solution / product line etc.?

Our projects can be categorized this way (example):

  • Main Product Line
    • Main Web App
      • Library 1
      • Library 2
    • Windows Client
    • Another Windows Client
    • Windows Service
  • Tools
    • Tool A
    • Tool B
  • Product Line 2
    • Software 1
    • Software 2
  • Product Line 3
    • App 1
    • App 2