Bind a Flex component property to a function


I want to set the enabled property on a button based on the return value of a function that has one or more parameters. How can I do this?

private function isUserAllowed (userName:Boolean):Boolean {
   if (userName == 'Tom')
      return true;
   if (userName == 'Bill')
      return false;

<mx:Button label="Create PO" id="createPOButton"
enabled="<I want to call isUserAllowed ('Bill') or isUserAllowed ('Tom') here>"
click="createPOButton_Click()" />

Best Answer

According to the Flex docs, as long as the property is bindable, you can simply do this (I've included the two extra buttons to demonstrate):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">


            private var currentUser:String = "Bill";

            private function isUserAllowed(user:String):Boolean
                if (user == "Bill")
                    return true;

                return false;


        <mx:Button label="My Button" enabled="{isUserAllowed(currentUser)}" />
            <mx:Button label="Try Tom" click="{currentUser = 'Tom'}" />
            <mx:Button label="Try Bill" click="{currentUser = 'Bill'}" />


Without currentUser marked [Bindable], though, it won't work.

Another way to go, if you wanted to bind more literally to the function (this is also expressed in the docs), would be to have the function respond to an event you dispatch when the current user changes, like so:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" initialize="init()">


            private var _currentUser:String = "Bill";

            public function set currentUser(value:String):void
                if (_currentUser != value)
                    _currentUser = value;
                    dispatchEvent(new Event("userChanged"));

            private function isUserEnabled():Boolean
                if (_currentUser == "Bill")
                    return true;

                return false;


        <mx:Button label="My Button" enabled="{isUserEnabled()}" />
            <mx:Button label="Try Tom" click="{currentUser = 'Tom'}" />
            <mx:Button label="Try Bill" click="{currentUser = 'Bill'}" />


So there are a couple of ways. IMO, the second seems somehow more proper, but there's definitely nothing wrong with the first. Good luck!

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