Wpf – Binding a Color Resource


I have an odd problem that's got me stumped. I am modifying the WPF Calendar control template, and for reasons that I explain below, I have to use a Color resource, rather than a SolidColorBrush resource, for my text color. Right now, my Color resource looks like this:

<!-- My Colors -->
<Color x:Key="MyTextColor">Blue</Color>

Now I want to bind the Color resource to a parent property, but the Color object doesn't have a Binding property. So, how would I go about binding this resource? Thanks for your help.

Note on why I have to use a Color resource: The WPF Calendar control animates its text for mouse-overs in several places, and each animation uses a named SolidColorBrush. I can't replace the brushes with a resource reference, since I want to preserve the animations, which means I have to preserve the name. But I can replace the brush colors, as I did in this brush named TextColor:

<!-- Modification: Changed template brush color -->
<SolidColorBrush x:Name="TextColor">
        <StaticResource ResourceKey="MyTextColor" />

Best Answer

I have selected smoura's answer as being the correct one, because it does answer the question that I had asked. However, I think I may have asked the wrong question, and therein lies a better solution to the problem.

I decided I was off course in using a resource, and then trying to bind that resource. A much better approach is to simply bind the Color property directly. To do that, I created a simple IValueConverter called BrushToColorConverter, then used that to bind the named brush's color to the Foreground property of the UserControl that I am creating. The markup looks like this:

<!-- Modification: Changed template brush color -->
<SolidColorBrush x:Name="TextColor" Color="{Binding Path=Foreground, RelativeSource={RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type UserControl}}, Converter={StaticResource BrushToColorConverter}}" />

This approach completely eliminates the Color resource that I had used previously. It is simpler and, I suspect, more efficient.

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