R – Binding custom components values


I have built a custom component using some containers and a TileList.
Now when I instantiate that component in my main Flex app, I want to get the value of the selected item in the tileList that the user clicks on. In other words, everytime the user clicks an item in the tileList, I want it to assign that selected value to a global application variable in the main flex app.
Any ideas how to do that?

Best Answer

Below is one way that you can listen to the change of TileList.selectedItem. I would recommend against putting this in a global variable, although if you must you could use a pattern like ModelLocator to do so.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


            [Bindable] public var selectedItem:Object;


    <mx:Binding source="listTile.selectedItem" destination="selectedItem"/> 

    <mx:Label text="{ selectedItem }"/>

        dataProvider="{ ['A','B','C'] }"/>
