R – BizTalk port/orchestration filtering performance overhead


Please consider the following scenario in BizTalk 2006:

Received message should be routed to orchestration or send port according to the following constraints

(Message.Type = "SomeType" AND Message.Sender = "SomeSender")
(Message.Type = "SomeOtherType" AND Message.Sender = "SomeOtherSender" AND Message.IsSigned = true)
(Message.Sender = "AnotherSender" AND Message.IsSigned = true)

One way to do this is by applying filters on orchestration receive shapes or send ports.

On the other hand, I can promote a routing data field to the message context in custom receive pipeline component based on the message fields and then applying only one constraint to the filter:

Message.Route = "Route A"

Which of these alternatives is a less performance costly solution here (lower latency)?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

Between the two options I would generally pick the orchestration filter. The implementation of the subscriptions is pretty fast, so having a few segments to filter on is not a huge overhead.

Having a pipeline component and promoting a property off that is not guarenteed to be faster, and is an overhead in terms of development and maintenance.

There's one bit down side, in my view, to orchestration filters (but - from your question it does not appear you necessarily going to make it any better) and that is the fact that the rule is compiled (unlike send port filters, for example)

If you need this to be more dynamic, and you can write your pipeline component so that it is configurable that would give you some benefit.

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