Wpf – Boolean CommandParameter in XAML


I have this code (which works just right):

<KeyBinding Key="Enter" Command="{Binding ReturnResultCommand}">

Where "s" is of course the System namespace.

But this command is called quite a few times and it really inflates otherwise rather simple XAML code. Is this really the shortest notation of boolean command parameter in XAML (other than splitting the command into several commands)?

Best Answer

This might be a bit of a hack but you can derive from the KeyBinding class:

public class BoolKeyBinding : KeyBinding
    public bool Parameter
        get { return (bool)CommandParameter; }
        set { CommandParameter = value; }


<local:BoolKeyBinding ... Parameter="True"/>

And another not so weird solution:

    <!-- ... -->
    <s:Boolean x:Key="True">True</s:Boolean>
    <s:Boolean x:Key="False">False</s:Boolean>


<KeyBinding ... CommandParameter="{StaticResource True}"/>
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