R – Build same RubyCocoa application version for Leopard and Snow Leopard


I have RubyCocoa 0.13.2 based application. It works on 10.5.8 and earlier versions. When i try to run it on 10.6 it crashes on infinite loop. 10.6 has 0.13.2 built in, but it's not same binary as for 10.5. When i tried to build my application's Xcode 3.1.3 project with 0.13.2 framework from 10.6, it gave a link error – malformed object on 0.13.2 framework binary. The application, that is built with Xcode 3.2 doesn't run on leopard, in spite that i built only 32 Arch. configuration. My question is whether there is a way to build a version, that will run on both platforms?



EDIT: I feel pretty exhausted trying to solve it and the best thing would be to just rewrite everything in Cocoa, at least you can debug it in a human way. But i don't have a permission for this luxury 🙂

Best Answer

fat binary maybe??