R – Build server for WPF app – does Team City have an advantage over CruiseControl.NET


First off: This is not meant to be an argumentative question or flamebait. I'm genuinely curious about this as I am about to start a build server evaluation process. Also, this question is not a general "which is the better build server" question. There are plenty of those on SO already. I'm wondering about a very specific aspect.

The other day I saw something come across my twitter stream that read something like this:
"If you want to run WPF unit tests, Team City is your best option."

I've done a little bit of digging but I am unable to find anything that backs that statement up. Can anyone shine some light on this, or is that statement pure fiction? If it is true, how does TFS hold up in this regard.

If it matters – we are using TFS 2008 for source control, and MSTest for unit tests. A test library/framework for testing the visual WPF bits has not been chosen yet.

Best Answer

Wait a minute, he mentions CruiseCOntrol in his title but the tag is for CruiSeControl.NET. Nothing Kent mentions applies to CrusieControl.NET. I don't know how you want to test WPF, but TFS and MSTest work great on CruiseControl.NET so I'd be interested in where they ran into issues.

So long answer short. No it does not hold an advantage, they both have lots of pros and cons and it will ultimately end up being a personal decision with no right/wrong answer. I myself prefer CC.NET.

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