Ruby-on-rails – button_to :action => ‘destroy’ looks for ‘show’


This seems incredibly similar to a question I had answered just a few days ago, but the solution then isn't working now.

I'm building a rails app, and I am trying to have a button_to trigger a destroy in a different controller.

the code I have for the button is

<%= button_to "delete", :controller => :meals, 
                           :action => 'destroy',
                           :recipe_id =>,
                           :method => :post >

when I click the delete button, i get a
'no matches for meals/3' which is the current meal_id.

the destroy in the meals controller looks like this

  def destroy
    @meal = Meal.where(" => ? AND recipe_id => ?",, params[:recipe_id]).first

    respond_to do |format|
      format.html { redirect_to :controller => "user" , :action => "show" }
      format.xml  { head :ok }

it appears as though the button_to is completely ignoring the :action and requesting show which does not exist and shouldn't exist.

Best Answer

And how you part of routes.rb for that one looks like? Because if you use map.resources then destroy has same path as show but :method => :delete(which is virtual verb implemented by form and _method=delete param).

Try this:

<%= button_to "delete", {:controller => :meals,
      :action => 'destroy', :id => }, :method => :delete %>

or if recipe is instance of Meal class then

<%= button_to "delete", @recipe, :method => :delete %>

Mind the curly brackets.

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