Excel – Calculate Excel formulas in VBA but display only the value in Excel


This is my first post and I can't find an exact answer anywhere. I have an Excel spreadsheet that is becoming too large to operate because I have long formulas in millions of cells. I need to know how to calculate the formula using VBA but have only the value appear in Excel. An example is I want to multiply column B by column C:

I have tried this code:

Range("D3:D6").Formula = Evaluate("=B3*C3")

It correctly calculates for the first cell, but for the other cells it still tries to calculate B3*C3 as a fixed reference rather than as a dynamic references that changes as the cell position changes.

How could I fix this? Thankyou.


My actual spreadsheet looks like this:

Excel Screenshot 2

This formula needs to be applied down 17520 rows and across 300 columns, but I only want the values to appear in Excel. The purpose of this is to reduce file size and reduce calculation time.

=IF(-SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0")>0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0"),0,IF(-SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0")-IF(WQ5<'Battery Specs'!$B$13,-'Battery Specs'!$B$15,IF(WQ5=ROUNDDOWN('Battery Specs'!$B$13,0)+1,-('Battery Specs'!$B$13-ROUNDDOWN('Battery Specs'!$B$13,0))*'Battery Specs'!$B$15,0))>0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0"),-(0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0")+SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0")),IF(WQ5<'Battery Specs'!$B$13,-'Battery Specs'!$B$15,IF(WQ5=ROUNDDOWN('Battery Specs'!$B$13,0)+1,-('Battery Specs'!$B$13-ROUNDDOWN('Battery Specs'!$B$13,0))*'Battery Specs'!$B$15,IF((0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0")+SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0"))>'Battery Specs'!$B$10,0,IF(((0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0")+SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0"))+$AIF5*0.9)>'Battery Specs'!$B$10,'Battery Specs'!$B$10-(0.9*SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,">0")+SUMIF(AIG$4:AIG4,"<0")),$AIF5))))))

Best Answer


Range("D3:D6").Formula = "=B3*C3"
Range("D3:D6").Value = Range("D3:D6").Value

or simply

Range("D3:D6").Formula = Evaluate("(B3:B6)*(C3:C6)")