Calculated cells in Telerik RadGrid’s GridGroupFooterItem


I'm populating a Telerik RadGrid with data from a DataTable (System.Data.DataTable). As I'm supporting someone else's application, I can't use any other data source or display control.

In my grid I have three columns: let's say they are Widgets Produced (column A), Faulty Widgets (column B) and Faultiness Proportion (column C). The database query provides these for me and does the calculation C = B / A.

I have a totals row (a Telerik GridFooterItem) at the bottom of the grid. In columns A and B Telerik calculates the totals for those columns for me. We can't calculate the correct value for the 'total' of column C from column C alone: we have to populate it with (the sum of B) / (the sum of A).

I've managed to do this by handling the DataBound event of the RadGrid and manually populating the cells in the footer. (I had to catch the GridFooterItem in the ItemCreated event, then put values in it in the DataBound event, after it had automatically calculated the totals for A and B for me.) This feels pretty hacky – maybe there's a better way…?

Anyway, the important bit is this:

My grid is split into groups so I also need to populate column C in the GridGroupFooterItems. I can't get my hacky technique to work in this case: I'm finding the footer cell I want with myGridFooterItem["WidgetsProduced"], but I can't get the group footer cells with myGridGroupFooterItem["WidgetsProduced"] – it just isn't a dictionary.

I've tried using myGridGroupFooterItem.Cells[], but this TableCellCollection contains a couple more cells than I'd expect, so accessing them by integer index feels a tad ropey (especially as this is a user-defined report, so the columns may be in any order).

So: how do I populate these cells with my calculation?

Best Answer

your item databound event looks something like

grd_ItemDataBound(object sender,GridItemEventArgs e)
//catch the footer element
    (e.Item.FindControl("yourTextBox") as TextBox).Text = your calculated value

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