D3.js – Calm down initial tick of a force layout


I've just started dabbling with d3, and find the learning curve quite steep. The process is completely different than what I am used to, and the mathematics are mostly way over my head.

Anyway, my project consists of a force layout representing map of integrations between systems. This part works out awesomely well, but I do have one major concern, which is also represented in the force directed layout demo on Michael Bostocks site:
When nodes are initiated, they seem to be rendered off canvas. After this, some serious physics math is taking over, simulating a gravitational pull which sends the nodes on a rather confusing path back and forth until they calm down and settle on some random coordinates. Although these movements are ripping cool the first time the demo is run, when you are trying to view the status of network interfaces from a company it admins point of view and the servers just wont stay still, it gets tiresome after a while.

I am sure I have the correct layout setup for this project, because I do want the servers to autolayout, I do want to visualize links between them. I am however ambivalent in regards to the gravitation effect.

I wonder; is it possible to set the initial position of each node manually, so that I can put them closer to the gravitational center and shorten the "bounce time" a bit?

Best Answer

All the answers above misunderstood Øystein Amundsen's question.

The only way to stabilize the force upon it starts is to set node.x and node.y a proper value. Please note that the node is the data of d3.js, not the represented DOM type.

For example, if you load

nodes = [{"id": a}, {"id": b}, {"id": c}]



you have to set all .x and .y of all elements in array of nodes it will be like this ( in coffeescript )

nodes = [{"id": a}, {"id": b}, {"id": c}]
for i in [0..2]
  nodes[i].x = 500 #the initial x position of node
  nodes[i].y = 300 #the initial y position of node

then the nodes will start at the position when force.start(). this would avoid the chaos.

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