Reactjs – Cannot read property ‘refs’ of null react error react js


I'm using React js 0.14.3, I'm trying to create a Side Menu component using react but I don't know why I have an "Cannot read property 'refs' of null" when I use the refs like in the react documentation :
Can you help me please ?

'use strict';

    import React from 'react';
    import BaseComponent from './../../BaseComponent.react';
    import Menu from './SidePanelMenu';
    import MenuItem from './SidePanelMenuItem';

    class SidePanel extends BaseComponent {
        showLeft() {

        render() {
                    <button onClick={this.showLeft}>Show Left Menu!</button>

                    <Menu ref="leftmenu" alignment="left">
                        <MenuItem hash="first-page">First Page</MenuItem>
                        <MenuItem hash="second-page">Second Page</MenuItem>
                        <MenuItem hash="third-page">Third Page</MenuItem>

    export default SidePanel;

Best Answer

You need to bind context of this.

The line where you are binding your onClick handler:


Needs to be:


Otherwise when you're calling showLeft it can't access this.