R – Can’t find VS2008 installdir registry in Windows 7 x64


I'm currently writing a building script that needs the installdir registry key for visual studio 2008 to find where the devenv is. In windows vista, the registry key used to be in local machine\software\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\installdir, but in windows 7 x64, it seemed to be not found. I tried, but failed to find it in other directories as well.

Did anyone else have this problem?

Best Answer

In Windows x64 all 32 bit (VisualStudio is one of them) proceess that write to (HKLM | HKCU)\SOFTWARE registry path are redriected to (HKLM | HKCU)\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node path, look for it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0

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