Cascade Saves with Fluent NHibernate AutoMapping


How do I "turn on" cascading saves using AutoMap Persistence Model with Fluent NHibernate?

As in:

I Save the Person and the Arm should also be saved. Currently I get

"object references an unsaved transient instance – save the transient instance before flushing"

public class Person : DomainEntity
  public virtual Arm LeftArm { get; set; }

public class Arm : DomainEntity
  public virtual int Size { get; set; }

I found an article on this topic, but it seems to be outdated.

Best Answer

This works with the new configuration bits. For more information, see

//hanging off of AutoPersistenceModel    

public class CascadeAll : IHasOneConvention, IHasManyConvention, IReferenceConvention
    public bool Accept( IOneToOnePart target )
        return true;

    public void Apply( IOneToOnePart target )

    public bool Accept( IOneToManyPart target )
        return true;

    public void Apply( IOneToManyPart target )

    public bool Accept( IManyToOnePart target )
        return true;

    public void Apply( IManyToOnePart target )
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