R – Castle IoC – How to prevent registered components being resolved as dependencies


I'm using the method described by Bojan Resnik in this question to resolve instances of classes that are not registered in the Windsor container. The problem is that I don't want these classes to be available as "services" to other resolved instances.

For example, given the following classes:

class Order
    public Order(ITaxCalculator tc)
        // ...

class SomeOtherThing
    public SomeOtherThing(ISomeOtherService sos)
        // ...

    Order CurrentOrder

static class WindsorExtensions
    public static object Create(this IWindsorContainer container, Type type)
        if (!type.IsClass)
            throw new ArgumentException("not class", "type");

        if (!container.Kernel.HasComponent(type))
            container.Kernel.AddComponent(type.FullName, type, LifestyleType.Transient);

        return container.Resolve(type);

    public static T Create<T>(this IWindsorContainer container)
        return (T)ResolveType(container, typeof(T));

I want to be able to say:

Order order = container.Create<Order>();
SomeOtherThing thing = container.Create<SomeOtherThing>();

But I don't want a new instance of Order to get injected in to the CurrentOrder property of SomeOtherThing. Basically, I want the container to create the instance so that the dependencies can be injected, but I don't want the classes to be available for injection in to other classes.

I don't mind having to write additional extensions to the container in order to achieve this if someone can point me in the right direction.

Best Answer

I think this workaround will address your issue since it uses a child kernel for the "unregistered" component, so it shouldn't affect other components.

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