Angular – Change SVG size in Angular Material 2 using vanilla CSS or HTML


How do I change the size of an SVG icon on Angular 2+ Material Design using vanilla CSS, HTML, or JS?

If I specify the icon inside the HTML element, styling works fine:

<mat-icon style="font-size: 16px !important">home</mat-icon>

However, when I use the svgIcon attribute (for instance, if using a third-party icon library), the icon cannot be resized:

<mat-icon style="font-size: 16px !important" svgIcon="home"></mat-icon>

I am aware that SVGs are more complicated to scale, and I could use the viewBox attribute. However, I cannot even access the <svg> child element inside <mat-icon> to do an ugly JS hack. Is there a straightforward way of doing it with vanilla CSS? Or even an ugly hack on the Angular component?

Extra info: I am using the mdi.svg icon library from to get additional icons for my Angular project. To use these, however, I must use the svgIcon attribute.

Best Answer

It seems that library styles override your css inline declaration. Try maybe to add !important declaration to your style: style="font-size: 16 !important" or since you didn't provide more code, try to inspect this icon node, to check which style define the font-size.

Also check here


Here is another possibly working solution. Add transform: scale(2); style for svg element you want to resize, where 2 is 200% of actual size (of course you can also downsize them using for example 0.5 value for 50%). Here is working sample for the website with your icons and link to documnetation:

.size-24 button svg {
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;
    transform: scale(2);