R – Choose the best Client/Server Validation Framework for MVC


Im trying to choose the best server/client validation framework to use with my MVC application. I would like to know what is the best validation framework to use with MVC to do server/client validation.

My options are:

  • Castle validator
  • Microsoft Data Annotations
  • nHibernate Validator

Best Answer

I've been using xVal with great success.

The best thing is you can fully automate validation:

  • put DataAnnotations (or special rules) to your business layer POCO classes (if you have them) or entity classes' metadata buddy classes if you use entities up to controller layer
  • write an ActionFilter that will automatically validate parameters to your controller actions - it's best if all your POCOs (or entities) implement a certain interface that defines Validate() method, filter calls this method and fills ModelState.Errors when validation fails.
  • Add if (ModelState.IsValid) { ... } in your controller action that needs to work differently when model isn't valid
  • Put <%= Html.ValidationMessage(...) %> in your views that will display validation errors
  • Add xVal's client validation to your views if desired

This way you've set up automatic object validation. All your controller actions will do is check Model validity.

Asp.net MVC 2 will have something very similar to xVal already built in the framework so it's up to you which version are you using.