Chrome Devtools Coverage: how to save or capture code used code


The Coverage tool is good at finding used and unused code. However, there doesn't appear to be a way to save or export only the used code. Even hiding unused code would be helpful.

I'm attempting to reduce the amount of Bootstrap CSS in my application; the file is more than 7000 lines. The only way to get just the used code is to carefully scroll thru the file, look for green sections, then copy that code to a new file. It's time-consuming and unreliable.

Is there a different way? Chrome 60 does not seem to have added this functionality.

Best Answer

You can do this with puppeteer

(async () => {
  const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage()

  //Start sending raw DevTools Protocol commands are sent using `client.send()`
  //First off enable the necessary "Domains" for the DevTools commands we care about
  const client = await
  await client.send('Page.enable')
  await client.send('DOM.enable')
  await client.send('CSS.enable')

  const inlineStylesheetIndex = new Set();
  client.on('CSS.styleSheetAdded', stylesheet => {
    const { header } = stylesheet
    if (header.isInline || header.sourceURL === '' || header.sourceURL.startsWith('blob:')) {

  //Start tracking CSS coverage
  await client.send('CSS.startRuleUsageTracking')

  await page.goto(`http://localhost`)
  // const content = await page.content();
  // console.log(content);

  const rules = await client.send('CSS.takeCoverageDelta')
  const usedRules = rules.coverage.filter(rule => {
    return rule.used

  const slices = [];
  for (const usedRule of usedRules) {
    // console.log(usedRule.styleSheetId)
    if (inlineStylesheetIndex.has(usedRule.styleSheetId)) {

    const stylesheet = await client.send('CSS.getStyleSheetText', {
      styleSheetId: usedRule.styleSheetId

    slices.push(stylesheet.text.slice(usedRule.startOffset, usedRule.endOffset));


  await page.close();
  await browser.close();