Code Signing Certificate Options


I've been assigned the task of buying a digital certificate for my company to sign our code. We develop applications in the Microsoft space – mostly WPF or Web Based.

I've investigated options and found Comodo to be well priced and responsive, and we're ready to go ahead and purchase a cert through them.. however in the signup form there are various private key options that I'm not too sure about, namely:

  1. CSP

    • Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider
    • Microsoft Base Smart Card Crypto Provider
    • Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0
    • Microsoft Software Cryptographic Provider
  2. Key Size

    • 1024
    • 2048
    • 4096
  3. Exportable?

    • Yes / No
  4. User Protected?

    • Yes / No

Just wondering what all of this means, and what the best options are for our requirements? Any advice/ suggestions would be appreciated

thanks heaps

Best Answer

For "most purposes" the following options are recommended:

  • Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider
  • Key Size: 2048
  • Exportable: Yes
  • User Protected: Yes

To be honest, I'm not familiar with the different CSPs, but the Base does the job every time for me.

  • Key Size makes the keys harder to crack, but more than 2048-bits for a short to medium term key (3-5 years) is ample (IMHO).

  • Exportable lets you export the private key/certificate pair - essential for backing it up!

  • User Protected means that you must enter a password every time that you want to use the cert - highly recommended to prevent accidental or malicious signing of code with your certificate.