ColdFusion: How to use SharePoint’s getListItems()

coldfusionmosssharepointweb services

Does anybody know how I could get all items from a SharePoint-List?

It should be possible to call the function getListItems() with 4 parameters:

  • One for the list where the information is stored in,
  • the second for the query,
  • the third for the displayed fields, and
  • the fourth that specifies the number of rows to return.

My code is:

<cfobject webservice="http://sharepointserver:16999/blog/_vti_bin/SiteData.asmx?wsdl" name="siteDataService"

<cfset siteDataService.GetListItems(
    "<Where><Lt><FieldRef Name=""ID"" /><Value Type=""Counter"">3</Value></Lt></Where>", 
    "<FieldRef Name=""ID"" /><FieldRef Name=""Title"" />", 

<cfset ServiceResponse = GetSOAPResponse(siteDataService)>
<cfdump var="#ServiceResponse#">

But all I get is that error message:

Web service operation GetListItems with parameters {{9BE74555-1150-4AC8-ADE7-EE52923D7CE8},3,,4} cannot be found.

Normaly you have to pass xmlNodes the the function, like it is told here.

I also tried that, but don't know exactly how to make a xmlNode.
My code, that also doesn't work is this one:

<cfset xmlDoc = XmlNew()>
<cfset ndQuery = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "Query")>
<cfset ndViewFields = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "ViewFields")>
<cfset ndQueryOptions = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "QueryOptions")>

<cfset ndQuery = "<Where><BeginsWith><FieldRef Name='Name' /><Value Type='Text'>D</Value></BeginsWith></Where>">
<cfset ndViewFields = "<FieldRef Name='ID' />">
<cfset ndQueryOptions = "">

<cfset listsService.GetListItems(

<cfset ServiceResponse = GetSOAPResponse(listsService)>
<cfdump var="#ServiceResponse#">

Is the way I am calling the webservice the right way?

Thank you,

EDIT: Thank you for your answer, I think the XML elements work.

<cfset listsService.GetListItems(

But now i get an "Illegal argument exception" (that's great, because it tells me, that the webservice is responding 😉 ):

Cannot perform web service invocation GetListItems.

The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is:

'' java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: java.lang.ClassCastException@f70df9

The error occurred in D:\wwwroot\SharePoint-Tests\blog.cfm: line 83
81 :         "1", 
82 :         ndQueryOptions.xmlRoot,
83 :        ""
84 : )>


This is my new code (April 28)

    <cfset xmlDoc = XmlNew()>
<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "xmlRoot")>
<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot.Query = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "Query")>
<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot.ViewFields = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "ViewFields")>
<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot.QueryOptions = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "QueryOptions")>    

<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot.Query.XmlChildren[1] = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "Where")>
<cfset xmlDoc.xmlRoot.Query.where.XmlChildren[1] = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "GT")>
<cfset[1] = xmlElemNew(xmlDoc, "Value")>

<cfdump var="#xmlDoc#">

<cfset ndQuery = XmlParse("<Query><Where><Gt><FieldRef Name='ID' /><Value Type='Counter'>0</Value></Gt></Where></Query>", true)>
<cfset ndViewFields = XmlParse("<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='ID' /><FieldRef Name='Title' /></ViewFields>", True)>
<cfset ndQueryOptions = XmlParse("<queryOptions xmlns:SOAPSDK9=""""><QueryOptions/></queryOptions>", True)>

<cfdump var="#ndQuery#">
<cfdump var="#ndViewFields#">
<cfdump var="#ndQueryOptions#">

  webservice     = "#listsService#" 
  method         = "GetListItems"
  returnvariable = "result"
  timeout        = "10"
  <cfinvokeargument name="listName"     value="{9BE74555-1150-4AC8-ADE7-EE52923D7CE8}">
  <cfinvokeargument name="viewName"     value="">
  <cfinvokeargument name="query"        value="#ndQuery.XmlRoot#">
  <cfinvokeargument name="viewFields"   value="#ndViewFields.XmlRoot#">
  <cfinvokeargument name="rowLimit"     value="1">
  <cfinvokeargument name="queryOptions" value="#ndQueryOptions.XmlRoot#">
      <cfinvokeargument name="webID"        value="" omit="yes">

  <!--- setting "omit" to "yes" will turn the parameter to null --->

<cfdump var="#result#" label="result">

The error message is:

Cannot perform web service invocation GetListItems.
The fault returned when invoking the web service operation is:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch

Best Answer

Can you get the following example to work:

<cfinvoke webservice="http://sharepointserver:16999/blog/_vti_bin/usergroup.asmx?wsdl" method="GetUserCollectionFromWeb" password="[pw]" username="[username]" returnvariable="listOfUsers"/>

<cfdump var="#listOfUsers#">

Also, is the SharePoint Authentication mechanism to Basic Authentication?

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