R – COM Integration from ALBPM – Cannot find IDispatch for ‘{00020906-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}’


I am trying to use the Office COM components in order to create Word and Excel documents. Unfortunately I can not achieve this because I am getting an error.

Cannot find IDispatch for
in module

I tried reinstalling Office, my application (ALBPM) and my interface (combsvc) but it is not working.

I want to know how can I install IDispatch, or how can I know if it is installed in the correct module. Some times the error says:

Cannot find IDispatch for
… instead of

The code I'm using generate these errors is:

wordAppl.visible = false
wordDocs = wordAppl.documents

contratoTemplate = "C:\\albpmFiles\\mandatory\\aTemplate.doc"
// .doc template
convenioTemplate = "C:\\albpmFiles\\mandatory\\ConvenioModificatorio.doc"
// .doc template
saveContrato = "C:\\albpmFiles\\temp\\"
// where to save.
saveConvenio = "C:\\albpmFiles\\temp\\"

contratoName = "NewContact.doc"
wordDoc = open(wordDocs, fileName : contratoTemplate)
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrDescripcion")

insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrDescripcion
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrObjProveedor_atrNombre")
insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrObjProveedor.atrNombre
bookmark = item(wordDoc.bookmarks, index : "atrObjProveedor_atrDireccion")
insertAfter bookmark.range
using text = instSolicitud.atrObjProveedor.atrDireccion
filename = saveContrato + contratoName


// Extras - Fin
saveAs wordDoc
using fileName = filename

Any information you have about the IDispatch, or these registry entries, well be very appreciated, even if you can tell me where to find more info about this.

Thanks a lot.

Best Answer

From the error you get I assume that you are using Word 2003.

Have you made sure that the COM brigde service is correctly installed and running?

combsvc -install
combsvc -start

will register combsvc as service and then start it.

Please also have a look at the example for Word at the bottom of page 150 in the ALBPM Reference Guide.

The fact that it is sometimes working and sometimes could be an issue with ALBPM. Are you using the latest version and updates?

Another option - and quite frequent problem with Word automation - would be that the automated instance of Word is displaying a modal dialog box and is waiting for user interaction. You can switch of the display of modal dialogs by setting

Application.DisplayAlerts = 0 

However, this will unfortunately not prevent all popups from being displayed.

Is there actually an instance of Word started? If so, can you make the Window visible and see if documents can be opened or if there is a popup blocking the application?