Visual-studio – Compare Configurations within Visual Studio

configurationvisual studio

Actually i come around a problem i get more often into as i like to:

Consider the following:
You just made a new solution/project and start creating/adding all the stuff you need. While you're doing so, you're always on the way within the debug configuration. You make changes to your configuration (in C++ projects especially compiler, linker settings) and at the end of the day you just want to swap to release mode to make a final build and what happens?? You got plenty of error messages about missing defines, linked libraries, preprocessor definitions, precompiled headers, etc.)

And now? You open the Project Properties, select each item in the tree view and switch for and back with the combo box of the Configuration at the top left.

Due to the fact, that both configurations are saved within one file you can't also use a simple Diff-Tool or you have to copy and paste both parts out of the project file into two different files, compare them and merge everything back into the project file.

Isn't there a better solution to compare different configurations within one project??

Best Answer

I'm not sure when they introduced it, but in VS2015 at-least, you can select "Multiple Configurations..." in the configuration drop-down list on the Property Pages screen. You can then select "All Options" from the various sections, and see which parameters differ (those that differ say ). Doesn't show you the actual values - you still have to switch back and forth for that - but at least you can spot the differences quickly.