Qt – Compiler configuration for Qt Creator


I am new to Qt and its IDE Qt Creator so pardon my ignorance.
When I try to compile my code I get the exception

"Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options".

I have installed MingGW for compiling C++ code.
However, I am having a problem configuring it for Qt Creator.

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks

Best Answer

I suspect you are using the new 5.0 Qt. It required a bit of prodding for me too.

If you look into Settings > Build & Run > Kits you should see an auto-detected entry which will probably have an exclamation mark in front and is not editable. Ignore this.

  • Add a new Kit
  • Give it a name, set the "Qt version" and select a compiler. (Compilers should have been auto-detected. If you do not see any compilers, you will have to set at least one up manually)
  • Click the "Make Default" button. (You may have to modify project build settings to use the new Kit too)

There may be a better way, but I do not know it. And you should probably use 4.x until 5 is out of beta.