R – Conditionally including Flex libraries (SWCs) in mxmlc/compc ant tasks


I have been struggling trying to figure out how to conditionally include Flex libraries in an ant build based on a property that is set on the command line. I have tried a number of approaches with the <condition/> task, but so far have not gotten it to work. Here is where I am currently.

I have an init target that includes condition tasks like this:

 <condition property="automation.libs" value="automation.qtp">
  <equals arg1="${automation}" arg2="qtp" casesensitive="false" trim="true"/>

The purpose of this task is to set a property that determines the name of the patternset to be used when declaring the implicit fileset on a mxmlc or compc task. The pattern set referenced above is defined as:

 <patternset id="automation.qtp">
  <include name="automation*.swc"/>
  <include name="qtp.swc"/>

The named patternset is then referenced by the mxmlc or compc task like this:

 <compiler.include-libraries dir="${FLEX_HOME}/frameworks/libs" append="true">
  <patternset refid="${automation.libs}"/>

This doesn't appear to work. At least the SWC size does not indicate that the additional automation libraries have been compiled in. I want to be able to specify a command line property that determine which patternset to use for various types of builds.

Does anyone have any ideas about how to accomplish this? Thanks!

Best Answer

If you can't get <patternset> to work correctly, you might want to take a look at the <if> <then> and <else> tasks provided by ant-contrib. We ended up doing something like this:

<target name = "build">
        <equals arg1="automation.qtp" arg2="true"/>
               - Build with QTP support.
               - Build without QTP support.

There is some duplication of build logic between the if and else branch, but you can factor some of that out if you wrap <mxmlc> with a macrodef.

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