Configure Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debugger

remote-debuggingvisual studio 2010

I have installed the Visual Studio 2010 Remote Debugger on a Windows Server 2003 (x86) server, and am attempting to connect to it results in the following error:

Unable to connect to the Microsoft
Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor
named 'ServerName'. The Visual Studio
Remote Debugger on the target computer
cannot connect back to this computer.
A firewall may be preventing
communication via DCOM to the local
computer. Please see Help for

I have checked my Windows firewall setting, and ensured file sharing is enabled on my local machine. I have ensured that DCOM is running on the server, as well as the debugging service. There are no actual firewalls involved that I know of.

What else do I need to change to get this to work?

Best Answer

I just ran into connectivity issue. The problem was the Client PC (my desktop) could connect to Remote Host running debug monitor, but the Remote Host could not send data back to my desktop.

Turns out that it was caused by the 'Profile' setup in Windows Firewall. The Firewall rule was being limited to 'Public' profile - but my desktop was connected to the local domain. Changing the setting to 'Domain' ensured the Remote Host could communicate debugging data back to Client desktop.

Check under Windows Firewall -> Inbound Rules -> Microsoft Visual Studio -> Advanced Tab.

Cheers, J

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